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Father Sebastian Englert Anthropological Museum, Chile

Category: Attraction

Address details

Atamu Tekena
Hanga Roa
Isla de Pascua
Región de Valparaíso

Hanga Roa, Chile
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S27° 8' 14" W109° 25' 27"   (-27.137222222222, -109.42416666667)
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The Father Sebastian Englert Anthropological Museum is a museum in the town of Hanga Roa on Rapa Nui (Easter Island) in Chilean Polynesia. Named for the Bavarian missionary, Fr. Sebastian Englert, OFM Cap., the museum was founded in 1973 and is dedicated to the conservation of the Rapa Nui cultural patrimony. The museum is administered by the Chilean Directorate of Libraries, Archives and Museums (DiBAM) and houses the William Mulloy Library.
The museum houses the only female mo‘ai, as well as one of the coral eyes that were placed in the mo‘ai. There are wood statuettes, a photographic collection, archives of traditional music, and a three-thousand-volume library.


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Contact details

Father Sebastian Englert Anthropological Museum

Address: Atamu Tekena, Hanga Roa, Isla de Pascua, Región de Valparaíso, Chile