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Corpus de Sang, Spain

Category: Attraction

Address details

Passeig de Sant Joan
entresuelo 1ª
08037 Barcelona

Barcelona, Spain
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N41° 24' 6.84" E2° 10' 0.12"   (41.4019, 2.1667)
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The Corpus de Sang (Catalan pronunciation: [ˈkɔɾpuz ðə ˈsaŋ], "Corpus of Blood") was a riot which took place in Barcelona on 7-10 June 1640, during Corpus Christi, which marked a turning point in the development of the Reapers' War.The riot was between a group of harvesters and some local Barcelonians, during which one harvester was badly hurt.


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Corpus de Sang

Address: Passeig de Sant Joan, 146, entresuelo 1ª, 08037 Barcelona, Spain